The Habits of Pride vs. The Habits of Godliness
1. A gentle word deflects anger
- Our first instinct is to counter strike, but Gideon controlled the situation as a leader should. With clever persuasiveness
- Are there times my choice of words could have helped a situation?
- Proverbs 15:1
2. Five bad habits of pride
- Infrequent Prayer
- Failure to Consult others
- Resentment
- Materialistic Excess
- Constant Worrying about His Name
- These five habits will…
- Hurt your relationship with God
- Hurt others around you
- Lead you to do things you don't want to do.
3. Five habits of godliness
- Pray Constantly
- Consult wise believers
- Remember the grace given to you
- Be content with what you have
- Humble yourself under the name of Jesus.
- Do not let God’s blessings produce a pride in your life that makes you forget the one who gave them to you.