The Spirit's Help In Weakness: Romans 8:26-27

December 12th, 2029

Thanks for being here.

Romans 8:26-27

There is one true God who exists eternally as a living spirit. He exists in three persons (Father, Son
and Holy Spirit). He is all-powerful, everywhere present, all knowing, sovereign, unchanging, holy,
just and loving.

Romans 8:26-27 And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what
God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in
words. 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads
for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.

  1. Why do we need the Holy Spirit?
    “We are not strong but weak. How are we weak? Well, how aren’t we weak? Brokenness, unmet
    needs, emptiness, confusion, weariness, unbelief, fear, dullness, depression, bewilderment, sin ….
    we can be so overwhelmed with the crushing weight of this existence that we don’t even know how
    to pray. The very enormity of our struggles silences us. We don’t know what to pray for as Paul says
    here. We may be paralyzed in helpless indecision. We may be too distressed to utter a coherent
    prayer at all. We are weak. Christians are not always on top of things.” -Ray Ortlund
  2. What does the Holy Spirit do for those in Christ?
  3. How should I approach God?
    “When we do not know what to pray for…yes, even when we pray for things that are not best for
    us…we need not despair for we can depend on the Spirit’s ministry of perfect intercession “on our
    behalf”. -Douglas Moo
    “…our failure to understand God’s purposes and plans, to see “the beginning from the end,’ does not
    mean that effective powerful prayer for our specific needs is absent.” -Douglas Moo
    How should I approach God?

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